Dad Gang Co. After two years
Yes we make really high quality hats. Even if this brand wasn’t ours we would wear these hats. That’s how great the quality is. From the way they fit, to the stitching, embroidery, bill shape, and everything else that goes into a DG hat. They’re damn near perfect.
But you know what’s even better? The community that has formed through Dad Gang. Just go to our ‘tagged’ posts and see how many dads are posting with their hats. Not only that, the hats are being shot during birth announcements, gender reveals, pregnancy announcements, and so many more huge life moments.
It’s really wild to see what happened in just two short years. Over 150,000 dads have a Dad Gang hat and that’s great, but the stories you’re sharing along with the new friends you’re making is what really makes us love building the brand.
We even started a private FB group filled with dads asking questions about fatherhood. Becoming a new dad, sleep schedules, potty training, what to expect, changing diapers, kids starting school, and all the other things dads want info about when stepping into the unknown.
This group is close to 10,000 dads deep and keeps growing daily. It’s free and all you have to do is request to join. Just use this link to join.
If you join, feel free to ask any and all questions. Even if it’s not about the hats! Like we mentioned above, it’s really great that we make hats people want, but the community aspect of Dad Gang is so much more important.
Once again THANK YOU for getting Dad Gang to where it is today. Without you there is no community or brand. You drive this brand forward and we drive it for you.
Father’s Day might be over, but you’re a father every day. So every day is Father’s Day. Don’t let that go over your head like a DG hat.
#DadGang 🧢
Designed by Dads. 💥